Consulting in social investment and philanthropy

We bridge the best of each world for an ever-better world

The bridge for us is not only a place of crossing but also a place of meetings, exchanges, reflections, and findings, from which we have a panoramic view that allows a joint choice of paths.

Who we are

Co-created in 2011, ponteAponte is a consultancy focused on strengthening the Brazilian socio-environmental field, qualifying private social investment and philanthropy. By “building bridges” we empower social innovations and we are the link between those who make social investments and those who receive them.

What we do

Having diversity as one of our strengths, we operate on three integrated fronts and a transversal one: CSR/Private Social Investment/ESG Strategy; Social impact calls (selection and evaluation); Capacity building of social innovations; and Think do tank (knowledge production).

CSR/Private Social Investment/ESG Strategy

We support the (re)structuring of the social investment and philanthropy strategy, from the co-creation of the theory of change to the design of programs and projects based on active listening to the territories.

Selection & Evaluation

We are a reference in awards, challenges, public notices and other types of evaluation and selection of socio-environmental projects and partners. We have already carried out more than 60 editions of calls that resulted in more than R$ 70 million for the socio-environmental field, operating in Brazil and Latin America. From the co-creation of the value proposition of the call to the contracting of the winners, we take care of every step of this journey.

Capacity building of social innovations

Every year, we promote capacity building to hundreds of civil society initiatives, among CSOs, impact businesses, collectives and peripheral leaders throughout Brazil, through mentorships, workshops, courses, monitoring & evaluation and formation of learning networks/communities, guided by our values collaboration, empathy, flexibility, dialogue, diversity and trust.

THINK-DO TANK (knowledge production)

We produce, in a transversal way and based on our projects, applied and relevant knowledge in the form of analytical reports, academic articles and independent studies.

Contact us!

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